Our new innovative product! A compact plant
delivering large, high-quality fruits with excellent firmness
• Excellent fruit quality and extended shelf life with an attractive appearance
• Large fruits (about 150-160 g) delivering a high marketable yield
• Very early maturity, ideal for the hot, dry season
• Suitable for both bush and staking cultivation
HR : Fusarium wilt (Fol) :1,2 ; Gray leaf spot (S) Tobacco mosaic (TMV) ; Verticillium wilt (Vd)
IR : Root-knot (Mi) ; Root-knot (Mj) ; Tomato spotted wilt (TSWV) Tomato yellow leaf curl (TYLCV)
Our new innovative product! A compact plant
delivering large, high-quality fruits with excellent firmness
• Excellent fruit quality and extended shelf life with an attractive appearance
• Large fruits (about 150-160 g) delivering a high marketable yield
• Very early maturity, ideal for the hot, dry season
• Suitable for both bush and staking cultivation
HR : Fusarium wilt (Fol) :1,2 ; Gray leaf spot (S) Tobacco mosaic (TMV) ; Verticillium wilt (Vd)
IR : Root-knot (Mi) ; Root-knot (Mj) ; Tomato spotted wilt (TSWV) Tomato yellow leaf curl (TYLCV)